1. Τραγούδι του ρακοσυλλέκτη (Rag-picking Song)
2. Τραγούδι του οπτομέτρη (Lens-grinding Song)
>>  3. Τραγούδι του ηχοσυλλέκτη (Sound-collecting Song)
4. Τραγούδι του χορού (Dancing Song)
5. Τραγούδι της απογραφής (Transcribing Song)
6. Τραγούδι της εκτροφής περιστεριών (Pigeon-breeding Song)


Exhibition title: BROADCAST: Redundant as eyelids in absence of light.
Location: Bureau Audio
Duration: September 2018
Translation: Dimitris Politakis (English to Greek),
Panagiotis Tzanavaris (Greek to Sfyria)
Performer: Panagiotis Tzanavaris
Acknowledgements: Eva Birkenstock, Giovanni Carmine, Erin Carroll, Hampus Lindwall        


Absence accumulates actions against.
Before: beings (blackened, bleached), bodies (boiled,
bombed, braided, bubbling), buildings (burnt, butchered).
Cameras coaxing colours, concealing.
Culled (decapitation decided).
Deciphering decomposed dialects.
Dispersing distrusts, dropping drowning dusts.
Eyes facilitating feeling fiction.
Fingers flayed, flesh fluctuating (formless).
Glass gleaning granular grammars (growing).

Hands have heat here. Horizontal humans
ignored, illegalized, imageless.
In inaudible infinitesimal
instincts (intricate, invisible) it
knows language laws, layering light like lines.
Loyalties make meaning metaphoric.
Microscopic mistakes, momentary
movements, mutable myth narratives: no
noises obey optical orderings.

People permitted processes, produced
projections recalibrating reflex,
removed representation ruthlessly,
scattering seeing, silencing singing.
Solitude structures subjectivity.
Suppressed symbols, synchronized tendencies,
tendernesses, tendons, tenuousness.
These things, threaded through time, tiring tongues;
torn tracings, twisting undetectably,
unravel untraceable variants.
Your words without voice, visibilities
undetected, touching tongues tightening.
Silent scenes representing removals.
Poached organs, operated on meanings.
Mouths momentarily loosen, language
kills itself, images hollow, grammars
fragment, forms fluctuate, flesh falls, eyes exit,
dialectical desires decompose,
cameras burn, bodies asphyxiate,
appear again. Acclimatized absence.