1. Τραγούδι του ρακοσυλλέκτη (Rag-picking Song)
2. Τραγούδι του οπτομέτρη (Lens-grinding Song)
3. Τραγούδι του ηχοσυλλέκτη (Sound-collecting Song)
>>  4. Τραγούδι του χορού (Dancing Song)
5. Τραγούδι της απογραφής (Transcribing Song)
6. Τραγούδι της εκτροφής περιστεριών (Pigeon-breeding Song)


Exhibition title: BROADCAST: Redundant as eyelids in absence of light.
Location: Bureau Audio
Duration: September 2018
Translation: Dimitris Politakis (English to Greek),
Panagiotis Tzanavaris (Greek to Sfyria)
Performer: Panagiotis Tzanavaris
Acknowledgements: Eva Birkenstock, Giovanni Carmine, Erin Carroll, Hampus Lindwall        


Inventory of reflexive movements:

The tracing of sweat over follicles;
The chipping off of an eroded tooth;
The quiver of lips when refraining speech;
The charring of skin as it’s melting off;
The way tendons twist when loving something;
The way knuckles gnarl when maiming someone;
The wind from an eyelid flicking out dust;
The rub of grasses in cracks between toes;

Acts produced with intention to be seen:

…rips the curtains…sings…exits…rises…bends…
softly inspects…congeals…sings…rides…turns…stops…
slithers up…listens…sings…clenches…hides…looks…
drags by hair…enters…sprees…confesses…lines…
crawls on knees…laughs…maneuvers…mirrors…runs…
sings…crashes…runs…climbs…closes the curtains…

Places where situations unravel:
Anxieties. Archives. Assasinations.
Assembly Lines. Consultancy firms. Decapitations.
Drownings. Economics. Exhibitions.
Factory Wages. Gravitational re-calibrations.
Killing sprees. Loss of body. National anthems.
Nervous ticks. People. Shipwrecks. Recessions.
Solitude. Songs. Subprime mortgages.
Adoring eyes and their loosening skins.
Things. Track-lines. Video simulations.

Observing your assembly of movements,
torn from an infinite inventory 
of potential movements (bendings, shivers,
sweeps, flicks, sighs); each quiver reminding that
all objects reverberate constantly,
all bodies flow in equilibrium,
and that if time can stretch like rubber-bands
perhaps we can tighten it with tension
enough for our movements to be tandemed
(momentarily, if possible, even).